We work together with a number of global academic partners to widen access to higher education and enhance the learning experience that our students receive. The processes that underpin these activities have been designed against the Quality code for Higher Education.
The DUAST Academic Partnerships Office (APO) oversees the development and operation of academic partnerships with a number of local, national and global higher education (HE) partners. DUAST seeks to ensure that the high-quality teaching and learning experience that students receive on campus is comparable to that available at our collaborative partners.
As the only DUAST seeks to maintain strong relationships with the providers of HE in IRAN , neighbouring counties and Mideast , s. Within Europe the APO has established collaborative partnerships in countries including Finland, Greece, Poland, Spain, Netherlands and Ireland. This collaborative work also has a worldwide reach and the APO has developed successful partnerships in China, Hong Kong, Nepal, Mauritius, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.
APO staff work closely with staff in partner institutions to ensure the smooth running and scheduling of programmes, including staff visits for teaching and training. To see a full list of DUAST’s collaborative partners please click on the links below for either UK or Transnational Education (TNE) partnerships.
The APO is always open to enquiries from potential new collaborative partners. Collaboration with UON is possible via a range of delivery arrangements across a wide range of subject areas.

Iran: Qualifizierung von Fachkräften der Aufzugstechnik nötig
Vom 15. bis 24. Oktober 2019 besuchten Vertreter der University of Applied Science and Technology (UAST) of Damavand und des iranischen Verbands der Hersteller von Aufzugsanlagen die Messe Interlift in Augsburg. iMOVE begleitete die Iraner und empfing sie zum Abschluss der Reise in Bonn.

Elevator world Inc , as a supplier of all educational materials in the world is one of our crucial partner to supply the documents and educational materials in DUAST .