

Elevating Mechanic Technician

Filed Area: Mechanics & Electrics

Duration:2.5 years

Skills: Assemble ,Install equipment  and maintenance of electrical elevators and escalators.

Mechanical technician-building mechanical facilities

Field Area: Mechanics, Piping , water and waste water facilities.

duration: 2.5 years

Skills: Install and maintenance of heating and cooling facilities , water and wastewater in residential and commercial buildings.

Electrical technician – industrial electricity

Filed Area: Electric

Duration: 2 years

Field skills: Ability to wire, install electrical appliances, repair transmission and distribution lines of factories, troubleshoot electrical circuits and start electrical machines in industries.

Automotive mechanic techniciaد

Filed Area: Vehicle mechanical and electrical equipment

Duration: 2 years

Field skills: repair and service of light, mechanical cars, repairs and troubleshooting of car electrical equipment

Architecture-Interior design Assistant


Field Area : Architecture, designing  

 Duration: 2 years

Field skills: design, interior layout, furniture design, interior decoration

Professional associate – cost accounting

 Field Area: Accounting

Duration : 2 Years

Field skills: accounting, tax bookkeeping, industrial accounting, calculating the cost of products

Professional Associate – Business Management

 Field Area: management and finance

Duration: 2 Years

Field skills: entrepreneurship, creating a new business, managing a business, presenting a business plan